Did your virtualization cloud provider just do you a massive favor?  Total Telecom


Contributed Article

by Rakuten Symphony

At Telecoms World Asia 2024, a familiar theme echoed in the halls: a certain virtualization leader’s post-acquisition pricing has reached untenable levels.  

Here’s the twist: they may actually have done you a massive favor.

Why? These rising costs are a wakeup call. They are forcing operators to take a hard look at whether legacy platforms—once the backbone of networks—can support the demands of modern telecom operations.

The cracks in the foundation are becoming increasingly obvious:

  • Legacy inefficiency: Legacy platforms have heavy overhead and are cost-prohibitive for edge deployments and modern workloads.
  • Operational drag: Updates and changes are hard to keep up with in distributed environments, hampering innovation and adaptability.
  • Complexity creep: Bolting on new functionality to old architectures only makes systems more unwieldy, harder to manage and a licensing nightmare.

Now, pricing shifts are forcing a decision, creating a “good” problem.

This is your moment

Rakuten understands the letdown of realizing legacy platforms can’t deliver speed, automation or economic efficiency. We saw it ourselves while building our own highly distributed cloud.

We spent years building a platform that could meet modern telecom network needs. It might be the right platform for you too, especially if your operations could benefit from:

  • One architecture to seamlessly manage legacy VM-based and cloud-native workloads.
  • Automation at scale to deploy updates in parallel across thousands of locations.
  • Simplified operations that include one platform, one license and zero added complexity.

It’s time to break free from old limitations and look toward the future. In fact, some operators have already started on this journey.

If you’re ready to rip off the band-aid, get ahead of the curve, eliminate inefficiencies and reap the rewards of automation, please reach out to us.

And maybe thank your legacy provider for making the decision that much easier.

Considering the move to a modern cloud? Contact Rakuten Cloud today to learn more.