Women in data: Claire Thompson, chief data officer, L&G ComputerWeekly: All Computer Weekly Content


FNT Software Enhancements: IT Management Platform Gains Sustainability, Scope 3 Reporting Capabilities Sustainable Tech Partner

https://ift.tt/2bxt4gI FNT Software has enhanced its IT management software for data centers and network infrastructure to include…

FCC gives Starlink permission to upgrade its satellites Total Telecom

https://totaltele.com/ News SpaceX says it will gradually replace its first-generation satellites with larger, more advanced alternatives…

Number of women choosing computer science degrees up 8% ComputerWeekly: All Computer Weekly Content


QiStor flashes key-value storage software for hardware acceleration ComputerWeekly: All Computer Weekly Content


Esgenix, FNT Software, Goldman Sachs, More – Sustainable Tech Partner for Green IT Service Providers Sustainable Tech Partner

https://ift.tt/2bxt4gI Here is today’s sustainable IT services news, research and analysis — written for technology partners, green…

vCISO Offering Continues to Grow Through Channel Providers, Bridge Enterprise Security Gaps Channel Insider – RSS Feeds

https://ift.tt/O0YeXGQ Cybersecurity is, to put it mildly, a hugely complicated web of tools, considerations, and compliance…

Human Security Rolls Out Global Partner Program Channel Futures – Leading Channel Partners Forward

https://ift.tt/oFTwSHO Human Security, which protects enterprises by disrupting bot attacks, digital fraud and abuse, has launched…

How To Differentiate Your MSP From A “Sea Of Sameness” MSP Success

https://mspsuccess.com/ Back in the 1950s, American advertising executive Rosser Reeves was the man who invented the…

SoftwareOne H1 2024: soft growth as business reorg delivers tentative benefits CRN-UK
